Run 0017

  • 10:10
  • 22 Mar, 24
  • 1.6K Просмотров

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На этот раз все снимки были сделаны до начала. Все женщины не так молоды, как можно было бы ожидать от снимков с фестиваля, где употребляется много алкоголя. Но почти все они в очень хорошей форме.


Run 0017 is a good addition to the series. First pussy shot around 3 minutes in, the girl's holding a banana which for some reason turns me on :p They have a nice new camera angle facing some bushes which has the girls lining up in frontal view from 3:50 to around 6:20, one of my favorite scenarios :) They're getting so good with the angles while walking and getting pussy shots from 7:00 to around 8:42. The rest of the video is pure gold featuring 2 scenes of girls squatting side by side in frontal view. Peeing-Outdoors keeps evolving!
Piscione 06 Jul, 24
Honestly one of the worst movies from the "Run" series, number 16 and 18 are miles better that this one. There are just a handful of scenes filmed in HD, the rest is "potato quality" footage, where you can't even see the pussies in close-up in a decent definition, like at 8:53.
Most of the girls unfortunately make average sized pisses, my favorite one is at 2:22 when a nice blonde makes a big puddle behind a rock filmed form the side.
Not worth the money for just 10 minutes of mid scenes