Public Piss Poster 0037

  • 30:18
  • 02 Sep, 24
  • 4.0K Просмотров

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Затем идет средняя часть, где девушки писают в полузащищенных уголках, таких как строительные площадки, углы домов или за кустами и кустарниками.

В конце есть несколько более продолжительная сцена с темнокожей девушкой в очереди в туалет, которая корчится, бегает на месте и держится за промежность в настоящем отчаянии.
Через несколько минут она сдается, приседает в конце очереди прямо перед нашей камерой и писает рекой.


ekz 28 Jan, 25
Price might be a little higher but its totally worth it if you a desperation fan. First scene where the girl barely gets her jeans down having to hold herself through this process and the very last scene which might be the best one ever published. The unbeatable authenticity, the crazy pee dance and the actual urgency having to squat before making it to the toilet being next in line make this video a must buy.
Whitefanguk 26 Jan, 25
Another instant classic from the Peeing-Outdoors people who find and show some of the best public peeing and desperation ranging from close up to groups. The young lady at the end squirming in desperation must leave the queue and squat due to sheer agony- a real sweet moment in the excellent video. Some large gushing pees too.
Piscione 24 Sep, 24
Once again the Public Piss Poster series confirms to be the best in the Peeing-outdoors catalog: 30 minutes of top quality voyeur piss. If you like desperation there's a bonus scene in the last 5 minutes, where a dark skinned girl in queue for the toilet can't hold anymore and decides to squat right in the middle of the waiting line! Another nice scene takes place at 20:43: two goth girls with beer bottles in their hands unleash massive piss gushers behind some bushes. For the rest you have girls peeing in street corners, on sidewalks, behind dumpsters, in public parks, in high squat, low squat, filmed from the front, the side or the back. A real voyeur paradise!
TheNeighborlyCreep 04 Sep, 24
I would recommend this for my voyeur fans out there. Peeing-Outdoors has been one of the higher quality stores for voyeur and PPP0037 is why. You have all sorts of intimate views and occasions to enjoy. You've got girls relieving themselves from behind as we watch her puddle of relief expand towards us. You have a clip in here with the added detail of an extra camera filming her simultaneously. There's girls wiping like good girls, doing half squats, all sorts of different panties being pulled up and down from thongs to traditional. Even shy girls are included. Peeing Outdoors is authentic as it gets. Let your inner voyeur creep out and enjoy these girl's acts of desperation and intimate relief when they think no one is around.