Carnival 0034

  • 30:16
  • 17 Oct, 24
  • 3.3K Просмотров

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Поскольку у нас так много авторов, создающих ролики с карнавальных праздников, в новом выпуске собраны видео с различных мероприятий.


Carnival 0024 opens straight into a double pussy shot with a white girl and darker skinned girl, really nice! There's a nice wide open shot at 2:40, and 2 of my favorite scenarios of a girl getting pee on her dress at 5:24, and a row of girls lining up against a wall with legs apart at 9:00, and again at 13! Girl barely gets her pants down at 21:00. Another good one from Peeing-Outdoors.
TheNeighborlyCreep 25 Oct, 24
A fine addition to any voyeur lovers collection. The PO clips are known for their excellent views, but one thing that really impressed me this time around was the sound. In the muddier area of the pissing, you feel like you are actually there with how close to the pussies you are and how their streams of relief spatter onto the ground. Also the framerate is smoother than the bare asses on display themselves. Enjoy!