Public Piss Poster 0038

  • 30:12
  • 14 Dec, 24
  • 1.6K Просмотров

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Разнообразный сборник сцен, снятых молодыми девушками, писающими в общественных парках, на тротуарах и в укромных уголках.


PublicPissPoster 0038 is a great addition to the series. First great pussy shot at 5:45. There's a great scene at 10:00 where they catch 2 girls from 2 different angles, giving a little more closeup detail. Cute butt shots at 13:50 - 17:00 then goes right into a wide open pussy shot. Nice high squats at 18, 23, and 24. Thumbnail shot (mother of all high squats) is around 27:40. Overall great addition from Peeing-Outdoors.