Mylie Moore - Thick Red Head is deperate to not piss on herself

  • 7:21
  • 28.08.18
  • 14K Просмотров
Mylie Moore - Thick Red Head is deperate to not piss on herself

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Mylie is working on a project with a tight deadline. In this economy she cant be late so she is working overtime to get the job done on time and dont correctly. While she is working she is keeping herself hydrated. The water has hit her. She has to piss and she has to go now. She works thru the pain and pressure. Its getting to her but she is strong. When she finally gets her work done she runs to the bathroom and its locked. She freaks out. Her bladder is ready2burst. She paces and walks around with her hands in her thick crotch to keep from pissing her self. The pain is getting worse as her crotch is starting to burn. Finally the bathroom becomes available and she pisses like crazy. The look of relief on her face is amazing and satisfying. It was a really close call for her.


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