
  • 10:18
  • 27 Jun, 23
  • 1.8K Просмотров

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Девушка из колледжа в обтягивающих белых брюках изо всех сил пытается удержать мочу в себе перед туалетом на каком-то уличном фестивале. Ей приходится сильно скрещивать ноги, чтобы дойти до туалета сухой. Также хорошо видна ее попка крупным планом!


Hold.N.Relief 18 Nov, 24
This great catch shows you a more closer view than the habit of that woman trying hard. She's trying different poses, crossing, shaking, moving. If you watch closely you will find that the other women next to her (crop top) is looking around, I bet that's to check for other possibilities. By the way, both have very nice faces !
Gjebtiam 08 Oct, 24
Fantastic camera!
Nice girl you see in this video. You can not just see how desperate to pee she is but also her cute ass. She's shaking her butt a lot. I think she really has to pee. If she had to wait one more minute I think she wouldn't have made it.
I also like the other girls in the background
All in all it is a very good video!